Friday 1 February 2013

10b Mr Cronin HW

Answer the question below in the comments bar. For a coastal area that you have studied, describe and explain how different types of engineering are used to protect the coast. (6 marks) Mr Cronin


  1. Hard and soft engineering are being used in Swanage to protect areas such as Swanage Bay. Hard engineering includes Groynes, which stop longshore drift and preserve the beach. It also includes sea walls, which prevent coastal erosion by absorbing wave energy, and rip rap, which deflects wave energy, stopping erosion. Soft engineering entails beach nourishment, which has preserved the beach at Swanage by replenishing and re-distributing sand. It also entails cliff regrading, which slows the rate of erosion by making cliffs less steep so they are less likely to slump.

    1. Fantastic answer. Clear, efficient, no waffle, explained fully, case study.. Great work will.


  2. In Swanage Bay, various types of engineering are used to protect the coastline from erosion. There are two types of 'hard' engineering that are used on the shoreline, which is 1.8km of groynes and sea walls. Groynes preserve the beach for tourists, preventing longshore drift to keep the beach's sediment from moving. The sea wall absorbs wave energy and doesn't allow the waves to erode the coastline. Rip rap can also be used, which consists of placing rocks in front of sea walls or cliffs to deflect incoming waves, which increases the long-term protection of the sea wall. One type of 'soft' engineering is used, called beach nourishment, which preserves the beach by replenishing its sand and sediment.

    1. I would suggest naming one more method such as cliff regrading. You would probably get 6 for this answer but I want to be 100% water tight. 5-6/6

  3. Both hard and soft engineering can be used to protect a coast like Swanage Bay which is in Swanage. Hard engineering involves using solid structures to resist the forces of erosion. This includes groynes which stop the process of longshore drift and helps to preserve the beach by keeping the sand. They use groynes in Swanage to try and preserver the beach. A sea wall is another example of hard engineering. A sea wall protects the coast by preventing the waves from reaching the back of the beach or coast. They are a barrier that prevents the area behind them from be eroded.
    Soft engineering involves using environmentally friendly methods of construction and management to cope with the forces of erosion. Beach replenishment is an example of soft engineering as it doesn't involve making the beach look unnatural. This process involves moving the sand from one end of the beach to the other in the effort to counteract the effect of longshore drift. Cliff regrading is another way soft engineering can be used to protect the coast. By doing this you are reducing the area off the cliff the can be affected by erosion. This also makes thme less likely to slump and it will take a longer time.

    1. Good answer harry. Try to be more efficient with your answers. Remember, you have 5-6 mins. "Keeping the sand" where? Try to describe this in geographical terminology. Eg. This builds up sediment behind the groyne reducing the rate of LSD. You need to filter out the unnecessary parts of your answer. Remember, if you're not explaining describing a point or example, don't bother.


  4. Swanage bay uses various types of engineering to protect it from coastal erosion.Hard engineering includes groynes which are used to prevent longshore drift and preserve the beach.A sea wall is in place to absorb the wave energy and does not allow the coastline to erode.Rip rap is used to deflect the wave attacks and stop erosion.Rip rap also increases the long term protection of the sea wall.Soft engineering includes beach nourishment which replenishes and re-distributes sand across the beach. Cliff regrading slows the rate of erosion by making cliffs less steep and they are less likely to stump.

    1. Efficient and clear answer. Good examples. Nice work dan. 6/6

  5. Hard and soft engineering are both used in Swanage bay to protect the coast. one hard engineering method in which the coast is being managed is through the construction of groynes. these prevent longshore drift (the movement of sand down the beach)from occurring and therefore keep the beach intact. There is also rip rap in place in Swanage, to partially take the energy out of the oncoming waves, therefore stopping the coast from being damaged. Furthermore, a sea wall is in place, so that up to a specific height, the beach is defended from the waves.
    there is also some soft engineering in place at swanage. Beach nourishment/replenishment is undergone every few years by Swanage council so that any parts of the beach which has been destroyed can be replaced, by pumping vast amounts of sand onto the beach. Cliff regrading (making cliffs less steep) makes the cliffs less susceptible to collapsing with wave-cut notches. This is because if there is less weight of cliffs, there is less pressure forcing the cliff to break off into th sea.

    1. Dan. Great answer if you can hand write this in 5-6 minutes. Loads of clear points with clear explanations. 6/6

  6. In Swanage Bay soft and hard engineering have been used to maintain the beach. Beach replenishment has been used as a soft engineering to raise the beach to stop the tide from coming in as far and making the beach look a lot nicer. Most of the engineering that has been done at Swanage Bay has been hard engineering due to the fact they often last a lot longer and are a lot stronger and practical. Examples of these hard engineering would be all the sea groynes that were renovated in 2006. Other examples of hard engineering would be the Rip Rap that has been installed. These rocks take a lot of the energy away from the wave before it hits the coast and as well as that they have created a sea wall which will protect the city if the waves are below its height.

    1. Remember, engineering is used to protect the cliffs and areas behind the beach. Some great explanations here. Try and lose some of the filler from your answer. Be concise with your answers. 5/6

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    Swanage bay is an example of a bay that has had multiple methods implemented in the process of coastal management. Examples of hard engineering are Groynes which are used to trap sand on the beach and rip rap which absorbs wave energy coming towards the beach which in turn reduces the speed at which the beach is reduced. However, many people are in favour of the soft engineering in place due to the environmentally friendly aspect and low cost. For example beach replenishment which works with nature rather than against it while giving the beach an oppertunity to build up its own defences.

    1. Tryrell, don't use spell checker. You won't have one in the exam so this is good practice. You're explanation of how groynes work is incomplete. Where does it trap sand? How does this work? Again, explain how beach nourishment works. Own defences, such as? Great explanation of rip rap.


  9. The town of Minehead uses Sea walls and Rip Rap (Rock armour), these are hard engineering methods as they are long term and do not benefit the environment. A sea wall prevents more erosion on the coast as it protects the land behind it while rip rap reduces the effectiveness of incoming waves on the coast of the shore. These methods are both expensive but are worth it as they are very effective.
    Minehead also uses soft engineering methods too however such as beach replenishment which is the process of adding more sand and rock to a beach to make them look nicer and slow the process of coastal erosion, however the land will eventually erode again as beach replenishment is a short term method. It is soft engineering as of this and beach replenishment also benefits the environment.

    1. Max, a good answer, particularly on the hard engineering. There is however, a little confusion as to why they are hard engineering. ard engineering works against the environment, different to what you have said. On your soft engineering, you describe only beach replenishment. What other options? 4/6

  10. Hard and soft engineering are being used in Swanage to protect the swanage coastline. Sea walls and rip rap are two examples of hard engineering. Swanage council use these types of hard engineering due to the fact that they last a long time and dont do too much damage to the environment.A sea wall is an efficient way to protect the land or coastline behind it by reflecting the waves away.Rip rap does the same thing but just looks like big boulders yet is very effictive. Although this is the more expencive option it is the most effictive. However, some councils prefer soft engineering in place due to it being more environmentally friendly and it cost a lot less. For example beach replenishment which works with nature rather than against it while giving the beach a chance to build up itself.

    1. Great start. clear, concise, decent. your explanation of rip rap is a little bit weak. Your answer lacks detail and breadth on the soft engineering. What other soft engineering methods are there? 4/6

  11. Swanage bay uses hard engineering methods such as sea walls and rip rap to absorb the force of the waves protecting the coastline. Other methods such as groynes stop longshore drift from occurring causing the beach to remain in place. Methods of soft engineering such as beach replenishment restock the beach using the sand as a natural barrier against the waves. Cliff regarding reduces the angle of the cliff meaning it does less damage.

    1. This is very to-the-point. Great exam technique. you clearly know exactly what you are talking about. 6/6

  12. Both hard and soft engineering are being used in the Swanage area to prevent coastal erosion. Hard engineering examples are Rip-Rap, Groynes and Sea Walls. Sea Walls are very effective at keeping the sea out, because they are simply a hard solid wall, while Rip-Rap is also effective, but not as much due to gaps in between rocks used in it. Groynes are also very useful due to them stopping longshore drift from occur causing a beach to form protecting the coast. While hard engineering is effective it is expensive so soft engineering is another option to combat erosion. Beach replenishment - which is when sand is moved onto the shore to make a beach, which takes the force of the waves away from the coast - is an example of this. Cliff regrading reduces the angle of the cliff face, so that damage is reduced.

    1. 6/6 You make clear the description and explanation of each method with an example. What could you cut out of your answer to make it easier to write and more managable? Have a look at Alex's above.

  13. I have chosen swanage bay because they use hard and soft engineering to protect their coastline from erosion. they have built a sea wall and placed rip rap to protect the land from coastal erosion. these are both long term and will protect the sea for many years.Because of the rip rap the sea wall has more long term protection. They are also using groynes to stop the process of long shore drift. At Swanage bay they have used soft engineering such as beach nourishment, this is placing a natural barrier and making the beach look nicer. This is a cheaper process and is soft engineering because it is working with nature. They have also used Cliff regrading, this slows the rate of erosion by making cliffs less steep and they are less likely to stump.

    1. 6/6 Matt, this just got 6. It has all the basic elements, but watch your structure and explanation. Im not completely sold that you know exactly how these link together. Be clear as to how they work. Good answer though.

  14. In Swanage bay different types of engineering are used to protect the coast. Seawalls are used (this is a form of hard engineering) it protects the base of the cliffs against erosion. Howver, it is expensive and has a high cost of maintenace. also beach replenishment is used (this is a form of soft engineering) and it looks completely natural and absorbs wave energy which is an envirnomental and social factor.

    1. Jason, you have stripped your answer too far back. 6 marks - you should be getting 5 types of hard/soft engineering + location + explanations of how they work. You mention 2 types. 3/6. Have a look at Alex's, will's or dan b's.

  15. Swanage bay uses various types of engineering to protect it from coastal erosion.Hard engineering includes groynes which are used to prevent longshore drift and preserve the beach.A sea wall is in place to absorb the wave energy and does not allow the coastline to erode.Rip rap is used to deflect the wave attacks and stop erosion.Rip rap also increases the long term protection of the sea wall.Soft engineering includes beach nourishment which replenishes and re-distributes sand across the beach. Cliff regrading slows the rate of erosion by making cliffs less steep and they are less likely to stump

    1. Length of answer!! much better. Managable in 6 mins. What a fantastic answer!!! Gavin, use this as a template for your 6 markers like this. You are efficient, clear, concise, you use geo terminology and it reads well. Great work!

  16. Many types of engineering are used in Swanage Bay to protect from coastal erosion.
    Hard Engineering: Groynes- which stop longshore drift from occurring which keeps the beach safe. Rip Rap- this protects the cliff base from coastal erosion due to large surges of wave energy. Sea Wall- this is the most effective piece of hard engineering at Swanage Bay, it deflects the wave energy and supports the cliff base, the sea wall is very long term and extremely effective.

    Soft Engineering: Beach Replenishment, this keeps the beach safe and slows down some of the coastal effects which take place on the beach. Cliff regrading: this is when the face of the cliff is made less steep which slows down the rate of erosion. It also stops the cliff slumping.
